Brandon Thaci

Director of Environmental, Social, and Governance

Brandon is driven by a profound desire to enhance the student experience at SFU Beedie, and his enthusiasm and commitment shine brightly. He is eager to provide a comprehensive Survival Guide, custom-tailored to empower students on their journey through the Beedie program, ensuring they thrive both academically and personally. Moreover, Brandon is dedicated to sustainability and affordability, eagerly organizing a Thrift Shop event that encourages reuse, sustainability, and affordability in fashion. Recognizing the importance of holistic well-being, he's preparing for Wellness Week, a series of physical, emotional, and spiritual activities aimed at promoting self-care and overall wellness among students. Beyond campus borders, Brandon's passion for community shines as he partners with the Canadian Cancer Society for a Beedie vs. SUS basketball charity game, combining competition with philanthropy. Additionally, he envisions creating an ESG guideline to share with other clubs, promoting ethical and responsible conduct, and making campus events more sustainable, inclusive, and engaging.

Marc Abboud

ESG Coordinator

Sophie Quiltan

ESG Coordinator